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/ The Very Best of Atari Inside / The Very Best of Atari Inside 1.iso / pov / images / jpg / soup.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1994-09-14  |  286KB  |  799x599  |  16-bit (47,101 colors)
Labels: barrel | bottle | shelf | tank | time switch | tree
OCR: "Kitchen of Champions 1994 by Blane Bizzaro Bixsaro Bisbaro Rtsxaro RAYTRACED RAYTRACED RAYTR ACED Povray Povray Povray Nision Nision Vision Tomato Tomato Tomato SOUP SOUP Hue SOUP ull O 200L 201b Bixxaro SOUF otsmol otsinot